House Frame Doll Bed Plans

I love cute mini house projects. This house frame doll bed is a perfect children’s gift idea and a great way to use up scrap wood! When I made the kid’s a tinyhouse playhouse in the basement, I knew I had to make a doll bed and doll bunk bed that looked like a little house! It was only fitting.

House frame doll bed that fits 18″ dolls.

When it comes to dolls and stuffed animals, we are always in need of more storage. So I added little supports under the bed for a pull out IKEA Trofast bin ($3). It’s a totally optional feature.


If you want the House Frame Bunk Bed plans head –> here <–



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Stacey Side Table Plans

This is a quick little side table with X detail. Stacey is using this side table to hold her Comcast router on the upper shelf and a basket of magazines on the bottom shelf. Although it could be used for whatever you need!


Stacey Side Table front view

Free plans to build the Stacey side table. Perfect little accent table with X detail. She uses the table to hold her Xfinity router (Comcast).

How to Build the Stacey Side Table

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House Bunk Bed Plans

A couple of years ago I saw the most darling bunk bed that Farmstead On First made here. I made the mistake of showing my daughter the cute bunk bed and she’s been asking for one ever since.  My youngest daughter has grown out of her cute house frame toddler bed, so now is the time to make them a fun house bunk bed.

My girls are rollers in their sleep, so creating an enclosed bunkbed is a must. I also thought it would make sharing a small room more pleasant, if their bed was super cute. 🙂 The enclosed beds create their own tiny places.

Build a super fun twin bunk bed that looks like a tiny house. Free plans on

Our bedrooms are not very large, so I was limited on the space the bunk bed could take. Otherwise the closet doors could not open. 🙂

An optional feature for this bunkbed are drawers under the bed. We are definitely lacking for storage at our house, so I add storage options wherever possible. They each get 3 drawers. I’ve been trying to work on the Konmari method for folding, and these drawers work well for kids clothing.

Build a super fun twin bunk bed that looks like a tiny house. Add tons of storage with under the bed drawers. Free plans on hertoolbelt.comDrawers in the stairs too.

Build a super fun twin bunk bed that looks like a tiny house. Add tons of storage with under the bed drawers. Free plans on

I added simple book shelves (or Paw Patrol shelves) for story time.

Build a super fun twin bunk bed that looks like a tiny house. Free plans on Books for story time.

Cedar planter boxes with pink florals add some color and fun.

Build a super fun twin bunk bed that looks like a tiny house. Pop of color with cute window flower boxes. Free plans on

Ok, I know what you’re thinking. How do you change the bedding?

This is totally optional, but I put the front panels on hinges. This makes it easy to reach into the front and back of the bedding. But honestly with using zip up bedding, like Beddy’s, changing the bedding is easy enough that the hinging doors aren’t essential, but nice to have for Mom.

Build a super fun twin bunk bed that looks like a tiny house. Easy access to bedding with front panels on hinges. Free plans on hertoolbelt.comLove tiny houses? Check out my fun basement playhouse.

How to Build a House Bunk Bed

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Master Bathroom Reno Reveal – Jeffrey Court All-Star Challenge

It’s Reveal Day of the Jeffrey Court All-star Challenge hosted by Jeffrey Court along with Behr Paint and Frog Tape.

Voting goes through July 12th at 11:59 pm EST. You can vote once per day. If you have a minute, I would sure love your vote.


missed any master bath reno progress?

It’s Done, It’s Done…

I can’t believe my master bath reno is finally done.

It turned out better than I imagined and I am so excited to have a beautiful bathroom!



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Master Bathroom Reno week 4 – Jeffrey Court All-Star Challenge

We are in week 4 of the Jeffrey Court All-star Challenge hosted by Jeffrey Court along with Behr Paint and Frog Tape. This week I tackled plumbing, accent tiling and paint.

Voting goes through July 12th at 11:59 pm EST. You can vote once per day. If you have a minute, I would sure love your vote.


missed any master bath reno progress?

Some things don’t go as planned…

Oh my, week 4 did not go as smoothly as planned. 🙂 I really thought I’d be close to being done, and just on to touch up. Unfortunately everything took so much longer than planned. Even though I might sound like I’m griping, the point is that set backs happen when remodeling and they can be successfully worked through. Just not always as quickly as hoped!


Oh the plumbing has been a bit of a challenge this week. It just can’t be easy can it?!? The plumbing really should have been a matter of quickly changing out the fixtures, no major changes. Famous last words, ha ha. Ok, it really wasn’t that bad, it just required 4 different trips to the hardware store! Continue reading